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Before making a single edit, Tropedia EXPECTS our site policy and manual of style to be followed.-" - My art page: I bring teh happiness!!! <3 I am OPEN to requests (avatar art only). Remember kids stay in drugs, don't do vegetables, and eat your school! Wait a minute. The Queenstons song “Quiet Man” is about Azrael. Renard gets the medicine for his syringes from Adraen’s blood/saliva. Mayhem wrote “I am the Tower” for Mischief at a very hard point in her life. Renard is asthmatic and his medication is snorting TQBF’s pixie-stix™. She takes it easy on them at first, only to win at the last second (you know, because she’s a shark). Mayhem likes to challenge Renard to swimming races. RQ/Ren the demon princess, is actually the one in control of hell, the judge is second in command. WANDERLUST was the first album after he was rebuilt. With the help of Kitsune, TQBF was rebuilt with a few of his insides replaced with mechanics disguised as candy guts. TQBF was originally a creation of Renard’s, but began to corrode due to massive amounts of sugar wearing out his body. Truxton learned not to accept orange juice from Renard the hard way. Mayhem and Jackal used to date, but it ended when Mayhem met Mischief, a cute contrast to the sometimes manipulative Jackal. Kit and Caliber were young when it happened, now they traveled back to work with others to prevent that future from happening. The survivors, if caught, are treated as cattle and also are killed and harvested. Kit and Caliber come from a future where a now immortal Jackal has caused a global nuclear war where the souls of the dead are harvested by the hell things. The Quick Brown Fox’s bat is named “Cloudsmasher”. No one ever gives him any criticism because they’re afraid of what he’ll do to them if they told him how much his art really sucked. Jackal sometimes draws when he’s not busy killing people or making music, but everything he does is just Sweet Bro and Hella Jeff-quality doodles. RQ, as a whole, is a physical combination of every alias, retired or not. The sharks were needed because of there aquatic combat skills since the main entrance to hell is down in the pacific. Mayhem, Mischief, Malice, Fracas and others like Meloncholy are part of a defense agency on the surface world created to defend against a possible attack from hell’s forces.
In his not so free time he’s busy trying to catch TQBF and smash them open. Negaren likes to drink pumpkin juice and eat candy skeletons in his free time. Aside from cackling maniacally, NegaRen can’t talk. Kit and Caliber led the resistance that helped reestablish a peaceful civilization. Any questions/concerns? Just ask! - Mischief, Mayhem, and the rest of Shark Attack did manage to repel the alien invasion, but it was a long struggle that eventually turned the entire world in to a cyber wasteland, ruled by martial law. He's too busy being awesome and making great music. I do not own these characters, music, nor the art (unless I claim my own art that I have drawn myself) I am not Renard Queenston, please stop asking. This is a fan made account for Lapfox Trax. an ambitious attempt to explore everything from ridiculous, goofy hardcore to dreamy (or nightmarish) ambient work. Lapfox Trax is a record label which holds music by Ren Queenston under a number of different aliases, each sporting their own musical style. About What is Lapfox Trax? Just call me Toxi.